Seniors! Need a little help figuring out financial aid for college? Check out this event on April 6:
almost 4 years ago, Antioch Community High School
Graduate with mom and dad. ISAC & university Center of Lake County Financial Aid Completion Workshop
Historic Cardinal Crazy of the Week!
almost 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
D117 Co-Op Varsity Bowling is happening now! Watch the conference matches LIVE here:
almost 4 years ago, District 117
Bass Fishing is starting up! They will hold their first meeting on March 30th at 3:30 in the Commons. Register in rSchool and plan to attend. Email Coach Mortensen with questions.
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
Bass Fishing
Check out this week's Cardinal Crazy of the Week!
almost 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
Another great Cardinal Crazy of the Week!
almost 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
Check out the Cardinal Crazy of the Week!
about 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
Congratulations to Justin Pedersen (Best Solo Act), and Meryl Resurreccion and Katherine Teran (Best Group Act) for winning Talent 2021. If you missed it, go watch the show here!
about 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
Students, need help? Don't forget to take advantage of the structured support available during the school day.
about 4 years ago, Antioch Community High School
Need help flier with QR Codes
Check out the Cardinal Crazy of the Week!
about 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
This past weekend the ACHS Chess Team Competed in the IHSA State Chess Tournament. Through 7 rounds, the Sequoits won 4 matches, and finished in the top 50 out of the 118 schools that competed. Great work Sequoits.
about 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
Vocational Pathway discussions on 2/17, 3/17, and 4/21 at 6:30PM. Us this link to join:
about 4 years ago, Antioch Community High School
Vocational Pathways Flier
Antioch will be hosting Boys basketball and bowling tonight February 16, 2021. Girls basketball is on the road. Check out the live feeds to support your Sequoits
about 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
Please join us this Wednesday night for the next Rotary and D117 Career Panel. This one will focus on the plumbing and electrical careers. You will hear from people in the field and be able to ask questions. Information is on the attached flyer.
about 4 years ago, Eric Hamilton
Career Panels Flyer
For the next month (until March 15), we will be collecting hygiene goods to donate to the Open Arms Mission. Please bring shampoo, razors, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. and drop them in a box outside of one of our three entrances.
about 4 years ago, Eric Hamilton
Hygiene Goods Drive flyer
Due to inclement weather and for the safety of our students and staff, Lakes and Antioch Community High Schools will be fully remote tomorrow for all students. After school activities will continue, as regularly scheduled, unless you are otherwise notified.
about 4 years ago, Eric Hamilton
Thanks for your patience Talent Show Fans! Here is a NEW link to view tonights show!
about 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
UPDATE. In the talent show there is a 15 sec section of a Beatles song. Youtube is blocking the premiere due to copyright. We've chose to mute this section, but are waiting for Youtube to process. We will let you know when we are live.
about 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
No School for all students and staff on Monday, Feb 15.
about 4 years ago, ACHS Administration