Talent Show! Tonight @ 7:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7wpseUTylg
about 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
The Antioch Chess Team will be competing in the IHSA State Series Friday, February 12th and Saturday, February 13th. Check out the Chess Team Site for links to watch matches live and live updates. https://sites.google.com/chsd117.org/achs2021ihsachesstourney/home
about 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
Chess Team
Make plans to watch the talent show. Friday @ 7:00
about 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
Talent Show Poster
A free, mobile, COVID-19 testing unit managed by the Illinois Department of Public Health will be in Lake Villa on Saturday, 2/13, 8 – 4, at the Antioch/Lake Villa Township Center located at 1625 Deep Lake Rd., Lake Villa.
about 4 years ago, Eric Hamilton
Looking to livestream our home bowling matches? Look no further! Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFRGmy_Y90i59yIOkIES8Lg
about 4 years ago, ACHS Athletics
The ACHS Speakouits competed at the IHSA Regional competition on Saturday, February 6th. There were 8 of the 9 entires made it to the final round. Those advancing to the Sectional competition on Saturday, February 13 are Don Carson and Alyssa Wittkamp who placed 4th in Humorous Duet Acting, Beatriz Warnes who place 4th in Dramatic Interp, Meghan Georgia who placed 3rd in Extemporaneous Speaking, Eli Ruano who placed 2nd in Humorous Interp, Keno Barba and Riley Hughes who tied for 1st in Dramatic Duet Acting.
about 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
ACHS Athletics has a new Twitter page, follow @SequoitsScore to get the latest Sequoit Athletics news.
about 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
It's Twin Day Tuesday, February 9th! Text/Call your friend tonight to get it set. Post it with #SequoitPride, can't wait to see all our twinsies.
about 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
Basketball season is starting up! You can watch the games on our YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/SequoitYouTube
about 4 years ago, ACHS Athletics
Good afternoon, Basketball season is underway. Unfortunately we are unable to have spectators in the stands. Here is the YouTube channel link to watch Antioch Boys & Girls Home basketball games. http://bit.ly/SequoitYouTube
about 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
It's Spirit Week time! Show some love for Antioch High School and participate in February's Spirit Week. Can't wait to see your posts on Social Media. #SequoitPride
about 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
Spirit Week Feb 8-12
With the exception of the varsity girls and varsity boys basketball teams, there will be no after school activities today. Varsity boys and varsity girls basketball teams will report in the gym foyer at 2:40 pm for your wellness check. You will have practice from 2:45 pm until 4:15 pm. If you are being driven home, your ride needs to be here at 4:15 pm and pick you up outside of the gym foyer entrance. If your coaches cannot be present exactly at 2:45 pm, the trainers will send you to the commons to sit (socially distanced) until your coach comes to take you to your gym.
about 4 years ago, ACHS Athletics
Check out the Cardinal Crazy of the Week! https://youtu.be/qqajtffNGRY
about 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
For us to be able to livestream events in the gyms this Spring, we need to increase the subscribers to the ACHS YouTube channel. Please subscribe to (and encourage your friends to subscribe) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUSnJ6LcU_uA7CHYFe2NXMw
about 4 years ago, Eric Hamilton
about 4 years ago, Eric Hamilton
Read the latest update on athletics at ACHS here: https://5il.co/p4hn
about 4 years ago, Antioch Community High School
Congratulations to our ACHS Mathletes who placed in the math team competition last night. Overall, the team is the 2021 NLCC Conference Math Team Champions!
about 4 years ago, Eric Hamilton
Check out this week's Cardinal Crazy of the Week! https://youtu.be/F0Rqoi8J3Yo
about 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
District 117 and the Rotary Club of Antioch hosted a Vocational Career Panel. The first panel focused on careers in fire fighting, law enforcement, and emergency medical services. Interested students and families can view a recording here: https://youtu.be/CWbUWhepoC4
about 4 years ago, Eric Hamilton
All D117 programs D117 will be remote learning today. Schools will be administering the PSAT test starting at 8:30 a.m. for students who signed up. Classes will be conducted via remote learning. Buses will be running for the testing students at regular times.
about 4 years ago, Eric Hamilton