Check out this week's Cardinal Crazy of the Week!
almost 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
Hi Sequoits, On behalf of the ACHS faculty, it is our pleasure to share with you the 2020-2021 virtual Recognition Assembly . We are so proud of our students and all of their accomplishments. This presentation will begin at 12:00. Enjoy the presentation
almost 4 years ago, ACHS Administration
Class of 2021 - Seniors, We have missed you, while many of you are back in the building for these last 10 days together. We wish that you could have been in the building even more with you. We wanted to provide a day to see as many seniors only as possible. Please join us in the building on Friday, April 30th from 8:30 - 2:30 for the Class of 2021 "Reverse Ditch day." You can follow your schedule, go to your classroom or commons for a Meet. If your teacher does not have a Meet or is not able to be in the building, you can come to the gym or to the turf and join in a game with some friends. You will be able to leave the building for lunch or bring your lunch. We have a gift for you as well! We will have a Senior T-shirt for you! You will be able to pick them up in the Gym Foyer between 8:30 - 2:30. We hope to see as many of you as we can. Let's have some fun.
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
reverse ditch day
Enjoying the Drive in of Ferris Bueller’s Day off!
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
drive in
Movie begins at 8 pm tonight, Saturday, get your snacks and friends and head over to school for the 1st Drive-in at ACHS.
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
drive in
Antioch takes 1st and 2nd at the NLCC Conference Tournament. Also Big Bass award Chad Cowart of Antioch.
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
boat #1
team pic
boat 2
ACHS Bass Fishing is competing in the NLCC Conference Tournament today. Good luck anglers. Results will be posted at 3:00
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
boat #1
boat #2
Congratulations to the 18 students who completed the virtual IHSA and Special Olympics Leadership program this school year. Job well done.
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
Check out the Cardinal Crazy of the Week!
almost 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
View the NHS Induction Ceremony now at this link:
almost 4 years ago, Antioch Community High School
Bass Fishing season is underway. Great day on the Lake last week, excited to get out again today. good Luck.
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
Bass fishing
Bass fishing1
Saturday, April 24th Antioch High School presents a Drive-In movie: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Auditorium Lot opens at 6:30. Film begins at 8:00 Free for Antioch Students. Don't forget to bring your own snacks.
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
ACHS Drive-in Movie
Another great Cardinal Crazy of the Week!
almost 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
Burn off that breakfast bacon with the Cardinal Crazy of the week!
almost 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
We've updated our athletic spectator policy. Read more here:
almost 4 years ago, ACHS Athletics
Underclassmen: did you miss your school picture? Today is the makeup day from 3-8PM in the ILC.
almost 4 years ago, Antioch Community High School
Check out the Cardinal Crazy of the Week!
almost 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
Storyteller Series 2021 is almost here! Check out the website for more details:
almost 4 years ago, Antioch Community High School
Storytellers Series: Once Upon a Time, April 2021
Class of 2021! You've got to be there!
almost 4 years ago, Cardinal Crazies
Senior Parade
Class of 2021, are you in town this week? Watch the Varsity Football take on North Chicago on Thursday at 5 pm after joining the car parade. Complete the Google Form by 3:00 pm on Thursday to attend. ttps://
almost 4 years ago, Clubs & Activities
Senior game and parade