Students, Families, & Community Partners:
I am privileged to continue serving as your Superintendent! As we embark on a new school year, I am thrilled to focus on a transformative and collective accomplishment we achieved last year that will guide our future.
I am proud to share the work of our strategic plan coalition of students, staff, families, and community members who met in evening meetings for more than 12 hours throughout last spring. The result of this tireless collaboration is the first-ever District 117 Portrait of a Graduate! This powerful and unifying vision articulates six competencies we want all of our students to develop by the time they leave our high schools:
This District 117 Portrait of a Graduate embodies our collective commitment to student success. It will guide us in designing our curriculum, creating meaningful learning experiences, and supporting our students on their unique paths of growth and achievement. We are excited to begin this journey as a school community!
Jeff Feucht, Ed.D
Community High School District 117
1625 N. Deep Lake Rd. | Lake Villa, IL 60046
T: 847-838-7679 | @JeffFeucht | www.chsd117.org

1. Thinks Critically: Our graduates will leverage curiosity to identify and solve problems, embracing intellectual risks and challenging assumptions.
2. Embraces Diversity: Our graduates will appreciate and respect diverse perspectives, actively working to develop empathy and reduce biases.
3. Emotionally Intelligent: Our graduates will practice responsible decision-making and embrace a growth mindset, building strong, healthy relationships.
4. Courageous: Our graduates will set ambitious goals, advocate responsibly, and lead with integrity and compassion.
5. Collaborates: Our graduates will inspire others, leading with a shared focus and fostering mutual understanding.
6. Communicates: Our graduates will articulate ideas effectively, sustaining meaningful conversations with empathy and respect.
Follow this link to read the complete definitions of these competencies we developed to define what they mean as goals for our students.
If you would like to read about the details of the new strategic plan that we will follow to pursue the District 117 Portrait of a Graduate, please follow this link to read the entire plan.
Also, please view this very brief video that summarizes the District 117 Portrait of a Graduate and the process the coalition undertook to create it. This video was made entirely by District 117 students!